Saturday, February 28, 2009

Introduction:So What The Heck Is This Place??

Welcome tom the Zoo of Natural Outcasts, where animals never before seen can be viewed and interacted with. Please do not intimidate the animals, for some are kind and friendly, but others are dark and vicious. Do not feed the animals coke, chips, birthday cake form last month, or anything else you may have at hand. Only feed them the food supplied in their cages. Please be assured that the animals will not escape nor even try.They are well trained beasts and should be treated as a beloved family pet, or you will be thrown out and banned from this zoo. You are allowed to talk with these animals by leaving a comment. We have specially trained professionals who can actually speak the animals languages. Sometimes, the animals may want to say something back. If so, we will post their reply. Please, enjoy these sites of great wonder!